I can't tell you how excited I have been waiting for this night to come! I worried all week on what to wear and what to expect when we got there! The night started out with Lauren picking up all the Utah county girls, me carlie and carla! We took pictures at Carla's house just like real prom! And to my surprise Eric got me a real corsage to wear to my prom! He is the best husband ever! (thanks for the suggestion Deb!)So here we are before we leave.....
We are ready to party! So we drive to Jordan Commons to meet up with leslie and melanee! We get there and to enter the party we have to walk the "red carpet" so of course everyone wanted our picture!
After a lot of waiting it was finally time to watch the movie! We got as many free drinks as we could carry and sat down in this huge theater! They handed out goodie bags and free popcorn! Remember we were VIP!!! We waited what seemed like forever more, (thanks allyse's bridal) But then it started and I loved every minute of the movie!
OH GAG!!!! those fake edwards almost ruined my night!!! : )
if you need a buddy to go it again, let me know. we'll hit up the matinee to save some money... ha ha!
ps.... the motorcycle edward sucks!
I had sooo much fun! Thanks again for the VIP ticket!! It was much funner than I thought it would be...and of course I loved the movie!! Anytime you want to see it again...I will go with you!! It can only get better the more you see it!
I am soooo jealous!!!! I wish I had known about this, I just might have crashed your party :) I'm glad you had such a great time and got to go, you are the biggest Twilight fan I know! Go Team Edward!
HOW FUN!!!! I even recognize some of those ladies, glad to see that you still keep in contact with them.
I had decided that I wasn't going to see the movie at all. I like the images I have in my head; but now I've heard nothing but great things from optimistic and pessimistic people alike. So maybe I'll have to go see it afterall.
By the way, your husband is such a hottie. I don't like corsages, but I think he's such a hottie in even thinking about getting you a real one makes a flower on your arm a very good thing. Good man.
The prom looked so fun! I am so jealous. Thanks so much for inviting me on Friday night. I just thought it was so mch better the second time. I don't know what the difference was. I can't wait to see it again!
I just hated the whole Renesme part, and I hated that it was so long! I trudged through it.
You look quite beautiful. Did you get your hair cut? I am glad you were able to go to your much anticipated Twilight Prom! How many times have you seen the movie now?
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